
Gas Chromatography – Definition, Parts, Principle, Working, uses

What is gas chromatography?

  • Gas chromatography (GC) is an analytical technique for separating and detecting the chemical components of a sample mixture in order to determine their presence, absence, and quantity. It is widely employed in a variety of industries, including research, safety, and monitoring. The mobile phase in GC is a gas, and the components are separated as vapors, which distinguishes it from other types of chromatography.
  • In gas chromatography, a gaseous or liquid sample is injected into a mobile phase known as the carrier gas, which is commonly an inert or unreactive gas such as helium, argon, nitrogen, or hydrogen. The carrier gas transports the sample through a stationary phase that might be solid or liquid. Modern GC systems, on the other hand, almost always use a polymeric liquid stationary phase.
  • The stationary phase is enclosed within a separation column within the GC system. These columns are generally fused silica capillaries with particular parameters, such as 100-320 m inner diameter and 5-60 m length. The column is housed within an oven, which allows for perfect temperature control. The stationary phase interacts with the components as the sample moves along the column, causing them to separate.
  • A appropriate detector monitors the effluent flowing off the column to detect the separated components. Flame ionization detectors (FID), thermal conductivity detectors (TCD), and electron capture detectors (ECD) are examples of commonly used detectors. These detectors provide signals that are used to identify and quantify the substances that have been separated.
  • Gas chromatography has several uses in various disciplines. It is used in the manufacturing industry for quality control, verifying the purity and composition of goods ranging from automobiles to chemicals, petrochemicals, and medicines. GC is used by researchers to investigate a wide range of substances, including meteorites and natural products. It’s also important for safety and monitoring, since it allows for the study of environmental samples, microplastics, food, wine, and forensic samples.
  • Gas chromatography is frequently combined with mass spectrometry to improve its capabilities, resulting in GC-MS systems. When these approaches are used, it is possible to identify chemical components based on their mass spectra, resulting in more extensive and accurate analysis.
  • In conclusion, gas chromatography is an effective analytical technique for separating and detecting chemical components in a sample mixture. GC analyzes volatile and thermally stable chemicals by employing a mobile phase of carrier gas and a stationary phase in a separation column. Its versatility and hyphenation with mass spectrometry make it a must-have tool in a variety of research and industrial situations.
What is gas chromatography?
A gas chromatograph with a headspace sampler | Source:

Principle of Gas chromatography

The partitioning of components between the stationary phase and the mobile phase is the foundation of gas chromatography (GC). The components of the system will distribute or split between these two stages when a sample is put into the system.

The stationary phase is a nonvolatile liquid kept on a solid support that may be selected based on the required separation properties. Intermolecular interactions and the polarity of the stationary phase define each component’s affinity for the stationary phase. Compounds having a higher affinity for the stationary phase spend more time in the column and have a longer retention time (Rt), whereas compounds with a higher affinity for the mobile phase elute quicker and have a shorter Rt.


The separation process begins with the injection of a sample into a heated block, where it quickly vaporizes and produces a vapor plug. The vapor plug is swept into the column inlet by the carrier gas stream, which functions as the mobile phase. The components of the sample are adsorbed by the stationary phase and subsequently desorbed by the carrier gas in the column. As the sample goes along the column, this process is repeated, with each solute moving at its own pace determined by its partition coefficient and band spreading.

As the components elute from the column, they pass through a detector attached to the exit end of the column. The detector captures a succession of signals caused by concentration variations and elution rates. These signals are often shown as a function of time vs carrier gas stream composition. The chromatogram that results shows peaks that indicate the elution of distinct components.


The peaks on the chromatogram should ideally have Gaussian distributions and be symmetrical, as a result of the random nature of the analyte interactions with the column. To acquire quantitative data regarding the separated components, the appearance time, height, breadth, and area of these peaks may be quantified.

To summarize, the gas chromatography concept is based on the partitioning of components between the stationary phase and the mobile phase. GC allows for the separation and identification of components depending on their affinity for the stationary phase and elution periods by altering the intermolecular interactions and polarity of the stationary phase. The chromatogram that results offers useful information on the makeup and amount of the components in a sample.


How does gas chromatography work?

A simplified diagram of a gas chromatograph showing: (1) carrier gas, (2) autosampler, (3) inlet, (4) analytical column, (5) detector and (6) PC. Credit: Anthias Consulting.
A simplified diagram of a gas chromatograph showing: (1) carrier gas, (2) autosampler, (3) inlet, (4) analytical column, (5) detector and (6) PC. Credit: Anthias Consulting.

Gas chromatography (GC) is a popular analytical method for isolating and evaluating sample mixture components. The following is how gas chromatography works:

  • Carrier Gas: The mobile phase in the GC system is a carrier gas, such as helium or nitrogen. It transports the sample molecules through the instrument without causing them to react or damage the components.
  • Sample Injection: The sample is delivered into the gas chromatograph manually with a syringe or automatically with an autosampler. The sample can be obtained from either solid or liquid matrices. In most cases, the injection is done through a septum in the GC inlet, which allows the sample to enter without losing the carrier gas.
  • Analytical Column: The sample enters the analytical column, which is a long and thin tube constructed of fused silica or metal. The inside walls of the column are covered with a stationary phase. The stationary phase can be chosen based on the volatility and functional groups of the analytes. variable stationary phases, such as polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), have variable separation capacities for various analytes.
  • Column Oven: During the analysis, the analytical column is put in a column oven, which is heated. To accomplish the appropriate separation of analyte components based on their interactions with the stationary phase, the temperature is carefully adjusted. Less volatile components take longer to elute, whereas more volatile components elute faster.
  • Detector: The column’s output is linked to a detector. There are several types of detectors for gas chromatography, each with its unique set of operating principles. The flame ionization detector (FID), for example, detects analytes based on their C-H bonds, whereas the electron capture detector (ECD) reacts to analytes’ ability to catch electrons.
  • Signal Acquisition and Chromatogram: As the analyte components elute from the column, the detector generates a signal. The acquisition software on a computer records this signal, resulting in a chromatogram. The chromatogram depicts the separation of analytes over time, with peaks representing various sample components.

When applied appropriately, gas chromatography provides excellent sensitivity and precision, allowing for the investigation of complicated mixtures. GC may offer useful information on the composition and concentration of analytes in a sample by carefully selecting the stationary phase and detector, as well as optimizing operating settings.


Parts of Gas chromatography

The gas chromatography process is made up of the following components:

Parts of Gas chromatography
Parts of Gas chromatography | Image Source: Bitesize Bio.

1. Carrier gas in a high-pressure cylinder with attendant pressure regulators and flow meters

  • The carrier gas in gas chromatography (GC) is critical in conveying the sample through the apparatus for separation and detection. Pressure regulators and flow meters are used to regulate and control the carrier gas, which is normally held in a high-pressure cylinder.
  • Helium (He), nitrogen (N2), hydrogen (H2), and argon (Ar) can all be employed as carrier gases in GC. The kind of carrier gas utilized is determined by several factors, including the type of detector employed and the specific needs of the analysis. Because of its high thermal conductivity in comparison to most organic vapors, helium is widely used in thermal conductivity detectors. When a considerable amount of carrier gas is required, nitrogen is frequently employed.
  • The carrier gas enters the GC system after passing through a sequence of components provided by the high-pressure cylinder. A toggle valve, a flow meter, capillary restrictors, and a pressure gauge are among the components. The toggle valve controls gas flow, allowing the gas to flow or be cut off as needed. The flow meter measures and adjusts the carrier gas flow rate, which normally ranges from 1 to 1000 ml/min. It offers a visible indicator of the gas flow, allowing the operator to properly monitor and regulate it.
  • A needle valve is positioned at the flow meter’s base to adjust the flow rate. The needle valve may be adjusted to change the flow rate of the carrier gas. Capillary restrictors are also used to further regulate and fine-tune the flow rate. These restrictors offer precise and consistent flow rates, which help to keep the GC system operating at peak efficiency.
  • A pressure gauge is also included to monitor the carrier gas pressure. The pressure gauge indicates the pressure level, which is normally between 1 and 4 atmospheres (atm), ensuring that the gas pressure is within the acceptable working range.
  • Maintaining a consistent and exact gas flow is critical for a gas chromatograph’s efficient operation. Any oscillations or abnormalities in the gas flow might interfere with the separation and identification of sample components. To provide precise and dependable results in gas chromatography, pressure regulators, flow meters, capillary restrictors, and adequate gas pressure monitoring are required.
  • To summarize, in gas chromatography, the carrier gas is held in a high-pressure cylinder and is monitored and controlled by pressure regulators and flow meters. Depending on the needs of the analysis, gases like as helium, nitrogen, hydrogen, and argon can be employed as carrier gases. A flow meter, needle valve, and capillary restrictors are used to modulate the flow of the carrier gas, while a pressure gauge is used to check the pressure. Maintaining a steady gas flow is critical for the gas chromatograph’s best functioning.

2. Sample injection system

  • In gas chromatography (GC), the sample injection system is in charge of injecting the sample into the GC system for analysis. The injection technique is determined by whether the sample is liquid or gaseous.
  • A microsyringe is a typical method for collecting liquid samples. The needle of the microsyringe is inserted via a self-sealing silicon-rubber septum. To avoid gas escapes, the septum provides a tight barrier around the needle. After that, the needle is put into a heated metal block containing a resistive heater. The block’s heat vaporizes the liquid sample, transforming it to a gaseous condition that can be transferred through the GC system.
  • Gaseous samples, on the other hand, can be injected using a gas-tight syringe or via a bypass loop and valves. The use of a gas-tight syringe enables for the exact and controlled injection of a known amount of gaseous sample into the system. A bypass loop and valves can also be used to send a part of the gas flow into the GC system for analysis. This approach is very beneficial for sampling a gaseous sample on a continuous or intermittent basis.
  • Typical GC injection sample quantities vary from 0.1 to 0.2 ml. These amounts may vary based on the analysis’s unique needs and the detection system’s sensitivity. To get precise and dependable findings, the sample volume must be carefully considered.
  • Overall, the sample injection mechanism in gas chromatography allows liquid or gaseous samples to be introduced into the GC system. The purpose is to vaporize the sample and transport it through the GC system for separation and analysis, whether utilizing a microsyringe with a heated metal block for liquid samples or a gas-tight syringe or bypass loop for gaseous samples. The injection technique and sample volume are determined by the type of the sample and the analytical goals.

3. The separation column

  • The separation column is an essential component of gas chromatography (GC) systems, playing an important role in the separation and analysis of sample components. The column is normally composed of metal and comes in a variety of forms to meet a variety of needs.
  • A U-shaped structure, in which the metal tubing is bent into a U shape, is a frequent design for GC columns. This design provides for a compact column configuration and effective component separation. An open spiral is another design alternative in which metal tubing is twisted into a spiral form. The increased surface area for interactions between the sample components and the stationary phase improves separation efficiency. Furthermore, certain columns might be in the shape of a flat pancake, which provides varying benefits depending on the application.
  • Copper is a popular material for GC columns due to its high thermal conductivity. Copper can endure temperatures of up to 2500 degrees Celsius, making it particularly valuable for high-temperature applications. Copper’s strong thermal conductivity aids in maintaining exact and constant temperature control throughout the column, which is critical for successful separation.
  • Swage lock fittings are frequently utilized to assist easy installation and secure connection of the column in the GC system. Swage lock fittings ensure a dependable and leak-free connection between the column and the rest of the system, guaranteeing smooth column insertion and steady operation.
  • GC columns are available in a variety of sizes to meet a variety of analytical needs. The size of the column is determined by parameters such as sample complexity, desired separation efficiency, and analytical detection limits. Columns can be customized and optimized based on unique analytical demands by varying their inner diameter, length, and film thickness.
  • To summarize, the separation column is an essential part of gas chromatography systems. The column, which is made of metal and comes in various designs such as U-shaped, open spiral, or flat pancake, offers the necessary surface area for the separation of sample components. Because of its excellent heat conductivity, copper is frequently utilized as a material. Swage lock fittings provide easy and secure column installation, and column size is determined by the analytical needs of the analysis. Finally, in gas chromatography, the separation column is critical to obtaining efficient and accurate separation.

4. Liquid phases

In gas chromatography (GC), liquid phases play an important role in the separation and analysis of sample components. The liquid phase selected is determined by a number of characteristics, including volatility, thermal stability, wetting ability, and the specific separation needs of the analysis.


There is a wide variety of liquid phases available for GC, with the primary limitations being their volatility, thermal stability, and capacity to moisten the support material. It should be noted that no one liquid phase can solve all separation difficulties at all temperatures. Depending on the polarity of the sample components and the required separation characteristics, different liquid phases are used.

  • Non-Polar: Non-polar liquid phases such as paraffin, squalane, silicone greases, Apiezon L, and silicone gum rubber are frequently employed for boiling point separation. These materials enable the separation of components in the order of their boiling points, with compounds with lower boiling points eluting first.
  • Intermediate Polarity: A polar or polarizable group is present on a non-polar skeleton in intermediate polarity liquid phases. Because these liquid phases can dissolve both polar and non-polar solutes, they may be used to separate a wide spectrum of analytes. Diethyl hexyl phthalate, for example, is utilized as a liquid phase in the separation of high boiling alcohols.
  • Polar: Polar liquid phases, such as carbowaxes, contain a high concentration of polar groups. These liquid phases are adept in separating polar and non-polar molecules, resulting in high resolution for a wide spectrum of analytes.
  • Hydrogen bonding: For separating analytes that may form hydrogen bonds, liquid phases with high hydrogen bonding capabilities, such as glycol, are utilized. These liquid phases permit particular interactions between analytes and stationary phases, allowing for successful hydrogen bonding-based separation.
  • Specific purpose phases: Specific-purpose liquid phases are used in some circumstances, relying on chemical interactions with the solutes to produce separation. A liquid phase containing AgNO3 in glycol, for example, can be used to segregate unsaturated hydrocarbons depending on their reactivity with silver ions.

The choice of an appropriate liquid phase is crucial in gas chromatography for accomplishing the necessary separation and analysis. The choice of liquid phase for a specific analysis is guided by factors like as the nature of the analytes, their polarity, and the needed resolution. Analysts can optimize the separation and achieve accurate and trustworthy findings in gas chromatography by carefully evaluating these aspects.


5. Supports

In gas chromatography (GC), supports play an important role in providing a solid framework for the stationary phase and affecting the column’s efficiency and separation properties. The following points emphasize the most important features of support materials:

  • The structure and surface features of the support materials play a crucial role in defining the support’s effectiveness and the degree of separation achieved.
  • The support material must be inert, which means it must not react chemically with the sample or the stationary phase.
  • The surface area of the support should be large to facilitate efficient interactions between the stationary and mobile phases, allowing for quick equilibration.
  • The support material must be able to immobilize a substantial volume of the liquid phase as a thin film on its surface, enabling for successful separation.
  • It is critical that the support be strong enough to withstand disintegration during handling and that it can be packed uniformly into the column.
  • A typical support material is diatomaceous earth, also known as kieselguhr. It can be treated at high temperatures (about 900 degrees Celsius) with sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) to produce particle fusion and the creation of coarser aggregates.
  • As a support material, glass beads with a low surface area and porosity can be employed. For good separation, they can be coated with up to 3% of the stationary phase.
  • As support materials, porous polymer beads with various degrees of cross-linking between styrene and alkyl-vinyl benzene are also employed. These beads are resistant to temperatures as high as 250 degrees Celsius.
  • The type of support material used is determined by criteria such as the nature of the sample, the needed separation efficiency, and the GC system’s working circumstances. The qualities of the support material have a direct impact on the performance and efficacy of the gas chromatography column, thus it is important to choose an adequate support for specific analytical purposes.

6. Detector

In gas chromatography (GC), the detector detects the arrival of separated components from the column and creates a corresponding signal. Here are some important details about the detector:

  • GC detectors are classified as either concentration-dependent or mass-dependent. Concentration-dependent detectors react to changes in the concentration of the separated components, whereas mass-dependent detectors monitor the components’ mass or charge.
  • The detector is normally placed near the separation column’s exit. Because of this close closeness, the separated components are identified as soon as they elute from the column.
  • It is critical to keep the detector at the proper temperature to avoid sample degradation or undesirable chemical reactions. The detector’s temperature is optimized based on the detector type and the nature of the material being studied.
  • In GC, many types of detectors are utilized, each with its own set of principles and benefits. Flame ionization detectors (FID), thermal conductivity detectors (TCD), electron capture detectors (ECD), and mass spectrometry detectors (MSD) are examples of regularly used detectors.
  • The right detector is chosen based on the analytical needs, the kind of analytes being examined, and the required sensitivity and selectivity.
  • Detectors are critical in turning the separated components’ physical or chemical qualities into detectable signals. The data collection system then records these signals, providing information about the identification and amount of the separated components.
  • The detector used in gas chromatography is determined by criteria such as analyte properties, necessary detection sensitivity, and particular analytical objectives. The detector’s appropriate location and temperature management are critical for ensuring precise and consistent detection of the separated components without any undesired chemical reactions or degradation.

7. Recorder

In gas chromatography (GC), the recorder captures and visualizes the signals generated by the detector as the separated components elute from the column. The following are the most important characteristics of the recorder:

  • The recorder’s sensitivity should be approximately 10 millivolts (full scale). This sensitivity guarantees that the recorder reliably captures and displays the detector’s signals, allowing for exact examination.
  • A pen with a reaction time of one second or less is required for the recorder. Because of this quick reaction, the recorder can properly trace the elution of the analyte peaks, producing a real-time picture of the chromatographic separation.
  • A series of high-quality resistances are connected across the recorder’s input to protect it from huge signals that may overwhelm it. These resistances operate as attenuators, decreasing the amplitude of the signals before they reach the recorder and ensuring that the signals fall within the range of the recorder.
  • An integrator might also be a useful addition to the recorder. An integrator conducts mathematical integration of the detector’s output, allowing the area under the peaks to be calculated. This integration yields quantitative data on the concentration of the separated components in the sample.
  • The recorder is an important component in gas chromatography because it converts the electrical signals from the detector into a visual representation, often in the form of a chromatogram. The sensitivity, reaction time, and capacity to handle huge signals of the recorder are critical for accurate and trustworthy analysis. The addition of an integrator improves the recorder’s quantitative capabilities by allowing the determination of analyte concentrations.

The procedure of Gas Chromatography

Step 1: Sample Injection and Vapourization

Sample injection and vaporization are critical procedures in gas chromatography (GC) because they allow the sample to be introduced into the system for separation and analysis. The following are the essential points about sample injection and vaporization:

  • A little amount of the to-be-analyzed liquid sample is pulled up into a syringe. The sample volume is determined by the analytical needs and the detector’s sensitivity.
  • The syringe needle is inserted into the gas chromatograph’s hot injection port. Typically, the injection port is heated to a temperature greater than the boiling points of the sample’s components.
  • The sample is promptly put into the heated injection port. The injection is termed a “point” in time if the entire sample enters the gas chromatograph at the same moment. Fast injection is required to guarantee that the sample is injected into the system in a timely and uniform manner.
  • The components of the sample evaporate due to the higher temperature of the injection port. The vaporization process is aided by raising the temperature above the boiling points of the sample components.
  • When the sample components are vaporized, they combine with the inert gas, also known as the mobile phase or carrier gas. The vaporized components are transported to the gas chromatography column for separation by the mobile phase.
  • The stationary phase-containing column permits the separation of sample components based on their differing affinities for the stationary and mobile phases.

Sample injection and vaporization are key procedures in gas chromatography because they allow the sample to be introduced into the system in a gaseous state, which is required for effective separation and analysis. The temperature-controlled injection port guarantees that the sample vaporizes quickly, and subsequent mixing with the carrier gas transports the components to the separation column for further analysis.

Step 2: Separation in the Column

The differential adsorption or binding of components in a mixture to the stationary phase is a fundamental step in gas chromatography (GC). The following are the important points of the separation process:

  • The stationary phase, which is coated on the interior of the column, is critical in the separation of the components. Depending on the analytes being studied, several types of stationary phases, such as polar or non-polar phases, can be utilized.
  • The affinities of the mixture’s components for the stationary phase vary. The component that most firmly adsorbs or binds to the stationary phase spends the greatest time in the column and has the longest retention time (Rt). It’ll be the last to come out of the gas chromatograph.
  • In contrast, the component that adsorbs or binds to the stationary phase the least strongly will spend the least time in the column and have the shortest retention time (Rt). It’ll be the first to come out of the gas chromatograph.
  • If component A is more polar than component B in a two-component mixture, the separation characteristics will be determined by the polarity of the stationary phase. Component A will have a longer retention period in a polar column than component B. Component A, on the other hand, will have a lower retention period than component B in a non-polar column.
  • The column separation is based on partitioning concepts and differential interactions between the components and the stationary phase. The separation behavior of the components is influenced by particular interactions like as Van der Waals forces, dipole-dipole interactions, or hydrogen bonding.
  • Each component’s retention time may be utilized to identify and quantify the analytes present in the combination. The composition of unknown samples can be established by comparing the retention periods of recognized standards.

A key step in gas chromatography is column separation, which is based on the selective adsorption or binding of components to the stationary phase. Different components’ affinities for the stationary phase result in variable retention durations, allowing for separation and further study.

Step 3: Detecting and Recording Results

A critical phase in gas chromatography (GC) is detecting and recording data, which entails collecting and seeing the separated components as they approach the detector. The following are the main points of identifying and recording outcomes in GC:

  • The components of the mixture arrive to the detector at various times due to their varied retention durations in the column. This is due to the fact that each component interacts with the stationary phase for a varied period of time before being eluted.
  • The detector detects the component with the shortest retention period in the column first. It is the first eluted from the column and detected.
  • The component with the greatest retention period in the column, on the other hand, is discovered last. When compared to other components in the mixture, it takes longer to elute from the column and reach the detector.
  • A gas chromatograph’s detector detects the presence of components as they travel past it. Depending on the type of detector utilized, it may respond to changes in analyte concentration, conductivity, or other physical or chemical characteristics.
  • The detector transmits a signal to the chart recorder, resulting in the recording of a peak on the chart paper. The peak’s height or intensity correlates to the observed component’s concentration or abundance.
  • The chart recorder captures the peaks sequentially since the components are detected in the sequence of their elution from the column. The first component discovered is recorded first on the chart paper, and the final component detected is written last.
  • The resultant chromatogram, a graph of detector response (signal) vs time, depicts the separation of components and their relative concentrations.

In gas chromatography, findings are detected and recorded by sequentially detecting components as they elute from the column and recording them on chart paper. The chromatogram produced permits identification and measurement of the separated components in the mixture.

How do you read a chromatogram and what does it tell you?

 Chromatogram output from a GC or GC-MS.
Chromatogram output from a GC or GC-MS.  Credit: Anthias Consulting.

Reading a chromatogram is essential for extracting valuable information from a gas chromatography (GC) or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Here’s how to read a chromatogram and what it tells you:

  1. X-Axis (Retention Time): The x-axis of the chromatogram represents the retention time, which is the time it takes for each analyte to travel through the GC column and reach the detector. It is measured from the injection of the sample (t0) to the end of the GC run. Each analyte peak on the chromatogram has a specific retention time, denoted as tR, measured from the apex of the peak.
  2. Y-Axis (Response): The y-axis represents the measured response of the analyte peak in the detector. It shows the intensity or signal generated by the detector as the analytes elute from the column. The baseline represents the detector’s signal when no analyte is present or when it is below the detection limit. The baseline may contain some level of noise, which can be due to electrical or chemical sources.
  3. Peak Measurements: Various measurements can be taken from the peaks on the chromatogram. These include the width at the baseline, width at half height, total height, and area under the peak. The area under the peak is commonly used for quantitative analysis as it provides information about the concentration of the analyte. It is less affected by band broadening, which refers to the spread of analyte molecules on the column. Narrower and sharper peaks indicate better sensitivity and resolution.
  4. Peak Shape: The shape of the peaks is also important in interpreting the chromatogram. Ideally, the peaks should exhibit a Gaussian shape. Any deviations from this shape can indicate issues in the GC system. Peak tailing, where the right side of the peak is wider, can suggest activity or dead volume in the system. Peak fronting, where the left side of the peak is wider, indicates column overload.
  5. Data Points: The accuracy of measurements from the chromatogram is influenced by the number of data points obtained across each peak. Too few data points can lead to inaccurate measurements and affect peak area, resolution, and deconvolution in GC-MS analysis. Conversely, too many data points can decrease the signal-to-noise ratio, reducing sensitivity.

In GC-MS analysis, each data point on the chromatogram represents a mass spectrum, which adds the third dimension of data. Mass spectra provide information about the masses and relative abundances of ions detected during the analysis. This data can be used for compound identification, confirmation, and structural analysis.

By carefully examining the chromatogram, analyzing peak shapes, and considering peak measurements, scientists can assess the quality of the analysis, detect any issues with the GC system, and obtain valuable qualitative and quantitative information about the analytes present in the sample.

Applications of Gas Chromatography

Because of its precision and adaptability, gas chromatography (GC) is used in a variety of industries. Here are some of the most important uses of gas chromatography:

  • Chemical Industry Quality Control: GC analysis is used to calculate the concentration of chemical goods, assuring their quality and purity. It is useful in determining the composition and concentrations of chemicals in a variety of chemical processes.
  • Environmental Analysis: GC is used to quantify and identify airborne contaminants, assisting in air quality monitoring and control. It’s also used to identify and quantify harmful chemicals in soil, air, and water samples, which helps with environmental evaluations and pollution control.
  • Sports Doping Testing: Gas chromatography is used in sports doping testing to detect and evaluate performance-enhancing substances in athletes’ urine samples. It is critical in anti-doping programs since it identifies illegal compounds and monitors drug usage.
  • Oil Spill Analysis: GC methods are used to analyze and describe oil spills in order to estimate their environmental effect. It allows for the identification of various hydrocarbon components and aids in the tracing of the source and extent of oil pollution.
  • Analysis of Essential Oils and Fragrances: GC is employed in the analysis of essential oils and fragrances, contributing in the formulation and quality control of perfumes. It aids in the identification and quantification of the chemical components present in complicated mixtures.
  • Forensic Science: Gas chromatography is widely utilized in forensic science for a variety of objectives. It helps with drug identification and quantification, arson investigation, paint chip analysis for matching, and toxicology investigations. The use of gas chromatography (GC) allows for the identification and quantification of chemicals in biological specimens and crime scene evidence.

With its great precision and sensitivity, gas chromatography enables for exact assessments of chemicals in both liquid and gaseous samples. It is important in a variety of sectors and scientific disciplines, such as quality control, environmental monitoring, sports integrity, fragrance creation, and forensic investigations.

Advantages of Gas Chromatography

Gas chromatography (GC) has numerous features that make it a popular technology in a variety of applications. The following are the primary benefits of gas chromatography:

  • Fast Separation: Using longer columns and greater carrier gas velocities allows for quick separations, often within a few minutes. This enables greater sample throughput and better analytical efficiency.
  • Versatility: Due to the availability of greater operating temperatures, up to 500°C, gas chromatography is extremely adaptable. This feature, in conjunction with the ability to transform substances into volatile components, enables the examination of a diverse spectrum of chemicals, even those with high boiling points or thermal stability.
  • Reliability and Continuous Operation:  GC is well-known for its dependability and appropriateness for continuous operation. Because of its resilience and capacity to run samples practically constantly, it is frequently utilized in environmental monitoring and industrial applications. This provides consistent and dependable outcomes over long periods of time.
  • Small, Volatile Molecule Analysis: Gas chromatography is very effective for analyzing small, volatile chemicals. It is particularly sensitive in identifying and quantifying substances present at low quantities, making it useful for environmental monitoring, forensics, and pharmaceutical analysis.
  • Non-Polar Molecules: GC is preferred for non-polar compound analysis. It efficiently separates and detects molecules with low polarity, making it well-suited for applications involving non-polar analytes.

Overall, gas chromatography provides quick separations, diversity in analysis, and dependability in operation, and it is especially well suited for detecting tiny, volatile, and non-polar compounds. These benefits lead to its extensive usage in a variety of enterprises, research facilities, and analytical laboratories.

Limitations of Gas Chromatography

Gas chromatography (GC) has various restrictions that must be considered while employing this technology. The following are the primary limitations of gas chromatography:

  • Compound Stability: The compounds to be examined must be stable under GC conditions. High temperatures and other column conditions might induce thermal deterioration or chemical reactions, resulting in incorrect findings. As a result, the stability of the compounds under evaluation is critical.
  • Vapor Pressure Requirement: The substances to be examined in GC must have a vapor pressure that is much greater than zero. This criterion guarantees that the chemicals are vaporized and transported through the column by the carrier gas effectively. Compounds with extremely low vapor pressures may be unsuitable for GC analysis.
  • Molecular Weight Restrictions: GC is commonly used to analyze substances with molecular weights less than 1,000 Da. Larger compounds are more difficult to evaporate, and separation becomes more complex. As a result, GC is more suited for smaller chemical molecules.
  • Salt-devoid Samples: GC samples should be devoid of salts and other ionic substances. These ions can clog the separation process and reduce the precision of the analysis. It is critical to ensure that the samples are correctly processed and are free of impurities that might interfere with the chromatographic results.
  • Reference Standards: In many circumstances, the analysis in GC necessitates the use of reference standards. The pure, suspected chemicals of interest are contained in these reference standards. In contrast to these reference standards, even minute levels of a drug may be properly quantified. The availability and fabrication of adequate reference standards might present difficulties in GC analysis at times.

Despite these limitations, gas chromatography remains an important analytical method for a variety of applications. Understanding these constraints and ensuring proper sample preparation and equipment calibration can assist in overcoming possible problems and guaranteeing accurate and trustworthy findings.

Adding mass spectrometry to gas chromatography (GC-MS)

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is a sophisticated analytical method that combines gas chromatography’s separation skills with mass spectrometry’s detection and identification capabilities. Adding mass spectrometry to gas chromatography works as follows:

  1. Gas Chromatography Sample Separation: The sample is injected into the gas chromatograph and separated based on its interactions with the stationary phase in the analytical column. Less volatile components stay in the column longer, whereas more volatile components elute quickly.
  2. Ionization in the Mass Spectrometer: The separated components enter the mass spectrometer as they elute from the GC column. The neutral molecules are ionized in the mass spectrometer’s ion source to form charged species. Electron impact ionization (EI) and chemical ionization (CI) are two common ionization procedures.
  3. Formation of Molecular and Fragment Ions: The ionization process in the mass spectrometer produces molecular ions (molecular ionization), which represent the analyte’s entire molecular species. These molecular ions can fragment (fragmentation ionize), breaking down into smaller pieces. The fragment ions formed give useful information on the structure and makeup of the analyte.
  4. Separation and detection in the mass analyzer: The ions are separated in the mass analyzer based on their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z), which includes both molecule ions and fragment ions. This separation enables precise determination of the ion mass and aids in the identification of various analytes present in the sample.
  5. Data Collection and Analysis: The separated ions are detected by the mass spectrometer, and the resulting data is gathered and evaluated. The GC-MS system generates three-dimensional data, including a mass spectrum and chromatogram. The mass spectrum represents the ions discovered at various m/z ratios and provides information about the ions’ mass and abundance. This mass spectrum data may be used to identify compounds, validate known analytes, and determine the structural and chemical characteristics of molecules. The chromatogram depicts the analyte elution profile over time, enabling for qualitative and quantitative examination of the sample.

GC-MS is widely employed in a variety of domains, including environmental analysis, forensic science, pharmaceutical analysis, and metabolomics, by combining the separation powers of gas chromatography with the identification capacity of mass spectrometry. It allows for the identification of unknown chemicals, the characterisation of complicated mixtures, and the acquisition of useful information about the composition and structure of analytes present in a sample.

Common problems with gas chromatography

Several typical difficulties with gas chromatography (GC) can influence the instrument’s performance and reliability. Here are some of the most typical GC issues:

  • Leaks: Leaks in the GC system can disturb the flow of the mobile phase (gas) and jeopardize the analysis’s accuracy and repeatability. Proper component installation and regular leak testing are critical for identifying and addressing any leaks that may develop.
  • Tailing Peaks and Activity: Activity refers to the interaction of polar analytes with the column and liners, which results in tailing peaks in the chromatogram. Silanol-based groups on the glass column and liners can produce this problem, especially at trace amounts of more polar compounds. A buildup of dirt or pollutants within the system might also lead to activity-related issues. Regular system maintenance and cleaning, including the use of deactivated inlet liners, can assist reduce activity-related concerns.
  • Catalytic Breakdown or Adsorption: The presence of catalytic materials or adsorptive surfaces inside the GC system might generate unwanted reactions or adsorption of analytes, resulting in irreproducible findings or loss of analyte peaks in some situations. To avoid these concerns, care should be made to reduce the presence of catalytic materials and to maintain a clean system.
  • Issues with the Inlet: The inlet is an important location in GC since it is where the sample is injected, evaporated, and transported to the GC column. Problems with the intake might result in poor sample vaporization, insufficient transfer, or contamination, reducing the analysis’s accuracy and repeatability. Regular inlet maintenance, such as cleaning and changing consumables such as inlet liners, is required to keep the instrument in good operating order.

It is critical to solve these typical issues with gas chromatography in order to preserve the analysis’s reliability and accuracy. Regular system maintenance, cautious consumable selection, and adherence to best practices can assist mitigate these difficulties and assure the GC instrument’s maximum performance.


What is gas chromatography?

Gas chromatography (GC) is an analytical technique used to separate and analyze the components of a mixture based on their interactions with a stationary phase and a mobile phase (carrier gas). It is widely used in various industries and research fields for qualitative and quantitative analysis.

How does gas chromatography work?

In gas chromatography, the sample is vaporized and injected into a column containing a stationary phase. The sample components interact differently with the stationary phase, causing them to separate as they travel through the column. The separated components are then detected and recorded.

What are the advantages of gas chromatography?

Gas chromatography offers fast separation, high temperature capabilities, and versatility in analyzing a wide range of compounds. It provides accurate results, even in trace-level analysis, and is particularly useful for analyzing volatile and non-polar substances.

What are the limitations of gas chromatography?

Some limitations of gas chromatography include the requirement for sample stability under GC conditions, limited applicability to volatile and low molecular weight compounds, the need for non-aqueous solutions, and the necessity of reference standards for accurate quantification.

What types of detectors are used in gas chromatography?

There are various detectors used in gas chromatography, including flame ionization detector (FID), thermal conductivity detector (TCD), electron capture detector (ECD), mass spectrometry (MS), and others. The choice of detector depends on the specific analytical needs and the nature of the analytes.

How is gas chromatography used in environmental analysis?

Gas chromatography plays a crucial role in environmental analysis, allowing the detection and quantification of pollutants in air, water, and soil samples. It is used to analyze volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and other environmental contaminants.

Can gas chromatography be coupled with other analytical techniques?

Yes, gas chromatography can be coupled with other analytical techniques, such as mass spectrometry (GC-MS) or infrared spectroscopy (GC-IR). These hyphenated techniques provide additional information about the composition, structure, and properties of the analytes.

What is the importance of column selection in gas chromatography?

The selection of the appropriate column is crucial in gas chromatography. Different columns have different stationary phases, such as polar or non-polar, and varying lengths and internal diameters. The column choice depends on the analytes of interest and their interactions with the stationary phase.

How can I interpret a gas chromatogram?

Gas chromatograms consist of peaks representing separated analytes. The retention time indicates the time it takes for each analyte to elute from the column. The peak area or height provides information about the quantity of the analyte. Comparing peak patterns and retention times can aid in qualitative and quantitative analysis.

What are the applications of gas chromatography?

Gas chromatography finds applications in various fields, including environmental monitoring, pharmaceutical analysis, food and beverage industry, forensics, petrochemical analysis, quality control in manufacturing, and research and development. It is a versatile technique used for analyzing and identifying a wide range of compounds.


  1. Skoog, D. A., Holler, F. J., Crouch, S. R., & Fries, J. M. (2017). Principles of Instrumental Analysis. Cengage Learning. (Chapter 28: Gas Chromatography)
  2. Grob, R. L., & Barry, E. F. (2004). Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography. Wiley-Interscience.
  3. Ettre, L. S. (1997). Gas Chromatography: A Historical Introduction. Elsevier.
  4. Millikan, M. (2019). Gas Chromatography: Analysis, Methods and Practices. Springer.
  5. Farris, J. S., & Walters, D. E. (2013). Gas Chromatography in Forensic Science. CRC Press.
  6. Welthagen, W., de Koning, S., & Janssen, H. G. (Eds.). (2012). Practical Gas Chromatography: A Comprehensive Reference. Springer Science & Business Media.
  7. Pawliszyn, J. (2002). Handbook of Solid Phase Microextraction. Elsevier. (Chapter 3: Gas Chromatography)
  8. Hoffman, B. B., & Miller, D. J. (2019). Handbook of Separation Science: Gas Chromatography. Elsevier.
  9. Ardrey, R. E. (2017). Understanding and Troubleshooting Gas Chromatography. Elsevier.

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