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Practise drawing various animals and plants.

1 Answer

I can suggest some resources that can help you practice drawing animals and plants:

  • Websites like Sketchpad, Drawspace, and Sketchbook Skool offer drawing tutorials and lessons on how to draw various animals and plants.
  • YouTube has a vast collection of drawing tutorials and step-by-step guides that can help you learn how to draw different animals and plants.
  • Books such as "Drawing Animals Made Amazingly Easy" by Christopher Hart or "The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds" by John Muir Laws can provide helpful guidance on drawing specific animals and plants.
  • Consider joining a local art class or workshop where you can learn from experienced artists and receive feedback on your drawings.

Remember, the key to improving your drawing skills is to practice regularly and to have patience with yourself. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, as they are a natural part of the learning process. With time and effort, you can develop your skills and create beautiful drawings of animals and plants.

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