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DNA acetylation vs methylation

1 Answer

While histone acetylation and DNA methylation are related epigenetic modifications, DNA acetylation itself is not a widely recognized process. The primary epigenetic modifications related to DNA are DNA methylation and histone modifications.

DNA methylation involves the addition of a methyl group to DNA molecules, typically at cytosine residues. It is a crucial epigenetic modification that plays a role in gene regulation. Methylation of DNA can lead to gene silencing by preventing the binding of transcription factors or other regulatory proteins to the DNA, thus inhibiting gene expression.

On the other hand, histone acetylation is a modification that occurs on histone proteins associated with DNA. Acetylation involves the addition of an acetyl group to specific lysine residues on the histone proteins. This modification typically leads to relaxation of the chromatin structure, allowing for increased accessibility of the DNA and promoting gene expression. Acetylation of histones is associated with transcriptionally active regions of the genome.

Both DNA methylation and histone acetylation are important epigenetic modifications that contribute to the regulation of gene expression and cellular function. They can interact and influence each other, as changes in DNA methylation can affect histone modifications and vice versa.
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