Parts of a Microscope and Their Functions

A microscope is a laboratory instrument, which is used to examine or study or see objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.

There are present different types of microscopes, such as; light microscopes, Electron microscopes, Scanning probe microscopes, Fluorescence microscopes, Super-resolution microscopes, and  X-ray microscopes.

In the laboratory, Microscopes are used to visualize minute objects, for example; plant cell, animal cell, bacteria, fungi, etc.

The microscope parts are divided into two main categories,  such as; 1. Structural parts of microscope  and 2. Optical parts of microscope


The head portion or body tube of microscope connects the eyepiece to the objective lenses.

Structural parts 


The arm Supports the head or body tube and connects it to the base of the microscopes.

Structural parts 


The bottom portion of Microscopes on which the arm portion is standing. It holds all the essential components.

Structural parts 


Help the viewer to see the magnified specimen. Helps to magnify the image of specimens. It corrects the defects of the objective.

Optical parts 

Eyepiece tube

Help the viewer to see the magnified specimen. Helps to magnify the image of specimens. It corrects the defects of the objective.

Optical parts 


It holds 2 -3 objective lense.

Optical parts 

Objective lenses

Helps to increase the magnification levels of specimen image. Together the light rays coming from any point of the objects. To unite the light at a point of the image.

Optical parts 

The Adjustment knobs

A coarse adjustment knob is used to focus the microscope. It is always used first, and it is used only with the low power objective. The fine adjustment knob is used to focus the microscope. It is used with the high­ power objective to bring the specimen into better focus

Optical parts 


The test specimen is placed over it for viewing.

Optical parts 

Stage clips

It holds the specimen slides in place.

Optical parts 


Through Aperture the base (transmitted) light reaches the stage.

Optical parts 

Microscopic illuminator

light sources for Microscope.

Optical parts 


The condenser helps to collect and focus the light from the illuminator on to the specimen.

Optical parts 


Diaphragm is used to vary the intensity and size of the cone of light that is projected upward into the slide.

Optical parts