What is RNA splicing?

During the process of making proteins, mRNA is cut up and put back together in a process called splicing.

In a process called splicing, mRNA can be cut into smaller pieces and rearranged before it is used to tell the cell how to make a protein.

As part of the processing of pre-mRNA, splicing takes place at the end of the transcription process.

During splicing, the parts of mRNA that code for proteins are kept and the parts that don't code for proteins are cut out and thrown away.

mRNA Splicing is an important part of the transcription process because the right protein can't be made without removing the introns.

mRNA splicing is also part of how genes are turned on and off and how much protein is made in a cell.

What is alternative splicing?

Alternative splicing is the process by which the same mRNA can be made in different ways by keeping different combinations of exons.

Alternative splicing means that a single gene can code for more than one kind of mRNA molecule and, therefore, more than one protein. This is thought to be a way to save space, since a single stretch of DNA can make more than one protein.