The National DNA Database (NDNAD) contains the DNA profiles and samples of a subset of British citizens.

The UK National DNA Database contains the DNA profiles and relevant DNA samples of a subset of UK citizens. It is the world's largest database of its kind and continues to expand each year.

Every profile in the UK National DNA Database is produced from a crime scene sample of human material, such as hair or saliva. Each profile's information can serve as a potent weapon in the battle against crime.

A match between a crime scene profile and a profile in the database can assist authorities in identifying a potential suspect.

The DNA information can subsequently be used as evidence to prove a person's guilt. In almost sixty percent of cases, searching the database for a match identifies a suspect.

In 2013, the UK National DNA Database contained 4,8 million profiles (almost 8% of the population) according to statistics from the National DNA Database. 80% of profiles created by men 76% of profiles of white, Northern European individuals 7% of profiles created by black individuals 5% of profiles belonging to Asian folks 0.77 percent of profiles from persons in the Middle East 73% of profiles of individuals between the ages of 25 and 54 17% of profiles collected from individuals under 18 14% of the profiles are duplicates (more than one profile is held from the same individual)

From 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013, the National DNA Database generated 37 matches to murder, 103 matches to rape, and 6,141 matches to various crime scenes, such as auto theft and burglary.

The majority of nations currently maintain a national DNA database, whose data can be compared and shared.

This can make it much easier to locate culprits, even if they are not from the country where the crime was committed.

The UK National DNA Database Strategy Board determines decisions on the database's usage and operation. The UK National DNA Database Ethics Group offers impartial counsel on ethical matters.

The National Policing Improvement Agency manages the database and maintains data quality on a daily basis. Chief Constables submit DNA samples to the UK National DNA Database and ultimately decide whether a record is erased or retained.

When it was established in 1995, the UK National DNA Database contained only records of convicted criminals and individuals awaiting prosecution. If the individual was eventually deemed innocent, the samples were then destroyed.

The regulations regarding the collection, use, and storage of genetic information have evolved throughout time. As a result, the database gradually grew to contain an increasing number of innocent individuals and children, in addition to those who were guilty.

By 2008, police in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland will be able to take samples from anyone arrested for all but the most minor offences without their agreement. In contrast to the past, the samples and profiles were preserved forever.

Only in Scotland was it still the case that only samples associated with significant crimes were stored and those of innocent people were discarded.

The European Court of Human Rights ruled in December 2008 that the DNA of innocent persons should not be stored in a database.

The Crime and Security Act of 2010 attempted to address some of the ethical concerns linked with the database, but due to a change of administration in May 2011, no permanent changes were ever enacted.

However, during 2012 and 2013, the Protection of Freedoms Act ensured that 1,766,000 DNA profiles and 1,672,000 fingerprint records from innocent adults and children were removed from the UK National DNA Database.

In addition, the DNA samples of 6,800 convicted murderers and sex offenders who were not previously on the database have been collected, and their information has been added to the database.